The new year is finally upon us.
And it’s time to shake off the bad vibes like you would a terrible first Tinder date and swipe right to a positive new outlook. To ring in the new year, we asked nine successful guys on what they’re looking forward to in 2017 and what resolutions they want to stick with. Want some new year, new you inspiration? Read on below:
Ryan Babenzien, founder and CEO of Greats
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“The New York winter strips my skin of all life! Between the cold, the wind and the travel I do for work, it’s tough on my skin. I’ve been using one of three face moisturizers for at least 15 years. I’ll switch back and forth but I’ve been using a face moisturizer forever. More recently, I actually started using a face oil from Aesop that is looking like something I’ll keep in my repertoire. A few drops per night and in the AM this winter has helped keep my skin healthier than without. That, and drinking gallons of coconut water and watermelon juice!”
Salvatore Lobuglio, owner and co-founder of Little Cupcake Bakeshop (Winner of Best Chocolate Cake and Best Cupcakes by Food and Wine magazine)
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“I’m always working so you’ll find me in my Chef attire and hat often. My schedule leaves me little time to wear non-work related gear. In the New Year on my days off, I’m going to try to not wear my hat so much since I’m told I have great hair. I’ll take better care of it and show it off!”
Dan Michel, fashion editor at Men’s Health
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“I work in magazines, so I tend to live my life in months, but I want to thinking more long term. That means reading more books instead of quick stories, investing in my fitness and skincare so I look 30 when I’m 40, and setting goals in decades instead of years. That will hopefully make me fitter, smarter, and more mindful so I can age gracefully—if I can survive 2016, that is.
Jeff Laub, co-owner and co-founder of Blind Barber
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“NYE Resolution: to take a little more time for myself, family and friends. Work can’t be everything in 2017. To make this happen I signed up to jiu-jitsu, taught my parents to use Skype so we can chat more and got my wife pregnant. Overall, the goal is to explore more about myself and what other things I can do. I want to dive in to fun stuff outside of my daily grind to see what other passions I have lying deep below the surface. We all have them.”
Peter Chun, entertainment agent
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“Recently, I’ve felt like I should take care of my skin more as I am getting older. I purchased Kiehl’s dark circle cream and tried a couple face masks but I haven’t really found anything yet. In the new year, I’m definitely thinking about coming up with a better skincare regimen. I’ve always been a bar soap for my face and body kind of guy. I use Dial bar soap and it’s worked so far but I’m thinking it’s now time for an upgrade. I want to keep my skin looking young.”
Steve Dool, writer
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“My number one resolution for 2017 is to get more sleep. I tend to stay up late all the time, sometimes for work, sometimes for fun, sometimes scrolling into oblivion in an endless Instagram K-hole. That is definitely not conducive for looking or feeling my best and as I get older, I really want to stack those decks in my favor. It will also make my morning routine a little less harried.
Honestly, I haven’t ever really made a New Year’s resolution work. In the past, I’ve used January as a “buffer month,” a convenient excuse for me to sort of try to adhere to resolutions, but not really. You can imagine how committed I was, then, by the time February rolled around. For 2017, this may sound a bit vague, broad and a bit like something Lindsay Lohan would tweet, but I am making a sincere effort in 2017 to express a little more gratitude every day. Things are tough out there for a lot of people. I am lucky in many ways. Need to remember that when I find myself in a bitch-and-moan cycle.”
Scott Lipps, founder and CEO of One Management
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“I vow to use more products this year! Very rarely do I use products other than soap and a bit of a moisturizer so this next year gonna take extra care of my skin! It’s all you’ve got!”
Bryan Pierce, founder 1964 Agency
[aesop_image imgwidth=”70%” img=”/content/images/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Unknown-1.jpeg” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”inplaceslow”]“I’m not a resolutions type of guy but I do analyze the year and decide on what went great and things that didn’t. I recently saw a Bible verse that motivated me to write down my life goals. It’s not something I’ve done before or honestly thought about but it forced me to create a clear picture of what I would like to achieve personally and professionally.Every New Year’s I usually clean out my apt from top to bottom — it’s my way of practicing ‘out with the old and in with the new.’ I donate clothes to local charities and throw out stuff I don’t think are needed anymore. I’m a firm believer that your living space is a reflection of your life; if your home is in a disarray and unorganized, more than likely your life will look the same. As I get older, I realize that time is the most important thing you can give someone. It’s something that I think so many of us take for granted when we’re younger because we’re busy working and living life. My parents are both recently retired and travel the world often. I’d like to take at least one trip with them abroad each year, so we can have some fun memories and see new things together.”
David Yi, editor of Very Good Light
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“In the new year, I want to practice calming that inner voice that stops you from your true potential. It’s that self-doubt that festers in you and completely freezes you in your tracks. Instead, I want to completely squash it by expressing gratitude at every moment. We’re so fortunate to live in a free country where we’re allotted so many blessings on the daily. I want to count them, hoard them, then pass it all forward, allowing myself to do my part in changing the world for the better. If we all could send out positive vibes into the universe, I really do think we can make a big difference.”