It was was only a handful of chants that over 600,000 New Yorkers screamed, in unison, at the Women’s March on Saturday. Among the sea of pink apparel, women decked out in their best face paints, it was also many men who came out to defends their sisters’ rights. After all, an attack on women’s rights is an attack on human rights.
Very Good Light was there to capture Saturday’s powerful protest, where men and women from young to old marched alongside one another under one unified message: silence = death. At least, that’s what many young people told us as they proudly marched from the United Nations on 42nd Street leading to Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue.
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A young person carries a sign, “I will not be silenced.”A teen rallies a few friends together and is the impetus to the chant: “More love, less hate, that makes America great!”He starts to scream and others follow in unison.A man marches alongside his girlfriend, with a matching pink hat.The running theme from the march: “I’m with her, and her, and her, and her, and her.”Among many of the signs was this, held up by an older woman.A drag queen proudly holds up this sign. “I’m here because women are my inspiration.”Another man walks alongside his female peers with a powder pink hat.There were many young people, some even toddlers, who sat upon their father’s shoulders.A powerful sign that was passed around Saturday.A man colors his hair pink in celebration, photographed next to Grand Central Station.A young man carries a sign that he painted of an orange Donald Trump.This man carried a sign, “I stand with nasty women.”A young man sits on his father’s shoulders as he carries a red carnation.A young couple is elated to spot a few friends in the sea of pink marchers. (Photo by David YI/Very Good Light)A gay couple takes a moment to snap a few shots for their Instagram.