Every guy needs a brow job once in a while.
Not only does it feel good, it also centers your entire face. We’ve already talked about how to perfectly pluck them here, but this guide is for those who want thicker, darker eyebrows. It’s no secret that dark brows have been a mainstay for men throughout time. They make someone’s look even more powerful, strong, not to mention masculine, in an elegant, approachable manner. It’s also become that one accessory, other than the male choker, that everyone seems to be talking about lately.
SEE ALSO: How to get a brow job
But what if you weren’t genetically blessed with naturally thick, dark brows? Or what happens if you accidentally plucked all of them out? Not to worry there! This guide is all about using a few products, like a pencil, to fill them in. It’s easy, it takes no longer than a couple of minutes, and by the time you can say Martin Scorcese, you’ll be done!
What you’ll need:
- Eyebrow pencil
- Brow brush
- Brow gel (optional)
1. Clean your brows
To get the best, most precise brows, clean your hairs so that there isn’t any debris in them. Then, dab them dry with a towel.
2. Brush up
Like you would your hair, take the brow brush and brush upwards. In this case, we used Anastasia of Beverly Hills’ Brow Wiz, $23. We used the color Ebony. There are many that come with a pencil on one end and a brush on the other, like this one from Anastasia. Another good brush is NYX’s Pro Dual Brush Brow, $10. Try to find your exact color by heading to Sephora or Ulta to test them out, or, if you’re ordering online, try to find one that’s one shade darker than your own. Brush up and away.
3. Fill it in
After you’ve brushed up, fill the rest with mini strokes up and down. Make them resemble your own eyebrow hairs by making them thin.

4. Side to side
The final step is to either take your finger and smooth it out, or the brush once more from left to right. Check in the mirror to see that they’re even. Voila! You have perfect, dark, beautiful, bushy brows!