“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time,” said Maya Angelou, spiritual guru to not me.
While this mantra has certainly helped me more or less in love, in life, in friendships it’s also been a guiding light when it comes to judging beauty products. If a product sprouts a blemish the next day you know it means you harm. If a cream dries out your skin on first lather, it’s something you have to, as they say, “let go and Let God.” And if a product gives you that inner to outer radiance with the first touch, you know the universe is putting you in the right direction.
SEE ALSO: See your acne scars disappear with CosRX’s Triple C Lightning Serum
Such is the case for Paula’s Choice Vitamin C products, which have given me a glow so radiant, so bright, so real, it’s become in some ways, a spiritual awakening. Like many Vitamin C creams or serums, this one brightens your hyperpigmented spots that come from sun damage, acne scars, etc.
WTF is Vitamin C? Do you eat it?
As we know, Vitamin C is ~key~ when it comes to the production of collagen in our skin. It helps to promote an even complexion while diminishing signs of aging like wrinkles. It’s literally a miracle product so it’s no wonder every other brand has its own version of Vitamin C. And no, this doesn’t have the same effects of vitamin C you actually ingest as a vitamin. You can’t just crush a vitamin C pill and rub it over your face.
What behooves me is how much bad information is out there in the universe with men and women thinking that the term “brightening” equates to “lightening.” Meaning, it will bleach your skin. This, of course, is a huge misconception. “Brightening” simply means that it will even out those sunspots caused by years of sun damage or scarring, creating a beautiful, glowy, even-toned complexion. “Lightening” has harmful bleaching ingredients used solely to force the skin to have less deep tones.

I’ve tested Paula’s Choice RESIST C15
, $49, for the past few months and have seen extremely dramatic results. The product is a blend of 15% stabilized vitaminc C (l-ascorbic acid) with antioxidants like vitamin e and ferulic acids, both powerful agents to help with signs of aging.
Of course, we’ve tried other serums and products like CosRX and Soko Glam’s own Triple C Lightning Liquid, one that we loved. But that product oxidizes in a week or two if you’re not careful with keeping it out of the sun and preventing oxygen from seeping through.
This one is more of a traditional serum, more viscous in substance, in a container that helps to seal off UV rays. The product is said to help skin feel more and more radiant as the days go by. Instructions say to use the product twice a day adding 2-3 drops into your moisturizer. I actually used this after putting on my essence and before my heavy night cream (cleanse > tone > essence > vitamin c).
Because vitamin C is so potent, it makes the skin more prone to sun damage, meaning SPF is an absolute MUST in the day time. And because I’m super paranoid, I curtailed this possibility altogether, opting for nighttime use only.
The first day was completely magic. After using the product, I woke up with such a dewy, bright, glowy complexion I couldn’t stop looking at my face.
Here’s the photo I took a week after. You can see how my skin is becoming even-toned.

After a week, it was even more so. My dramatic results were so insane I literally thought I’d become a Philips lightbulb by the end of my month. My sunspots started to fade and the scars from years of picking cystic acne apart began diminishing on the spot. The one thing I ~will~ say is that the product smells like burnt popcorn. This has to do with the combination of vitamin c and ferulic acids, a perfect storm for an unsavory fragrance. Some have even gone on to say it smells like burning meat and bacon. Not the worst smell to have on your face, of course. But not something you actually feel completely comfortable with especially heading to bed.
Other than the fragrance, the serum is, as mentioned, of a viscous texture. Meaning, if you’re not down with heavier, oilier serums, this probably isn’t for you. For those that are into creams, I’d suggest the upcoming C25 Super Boost coming out later next month on Paulaschoice.com It’s a more stabilized form that you can rub into specific areas. I had the opportunity to be one of the first testers and must report that it definitely has a silky, creamy texture and you use as your last step in your skincare routine.
After two months of consistent use, I do believe I’m truly on my way to replacing the actual sun in the solar system. Yes, my skin is more even toned and beautiful, but healthier and more radiant. The use of Paula’s Choice has also allowed me to channel my gut instinct when it comes to places, people, situations – and products – that come into my life. If at first they show me their true selves – whether good or bad – I’ll take that at face value. In the case for Paula’s Choice, it was so dramatic I couldn’t help but stop in my tracks, yelp OH EM GEE in the mirror and believe in the power of beauty.
BuyPaula’s Choice RESIST 25% Vitamin C
for $55.
-Will brighten your skin to a glowy, even, complexion
-A little pricey but will last you more than a month of use
-Vitamin C is a wonder product in helping with acne scars from hyperpigmentation
-A definite winner