
65 posts

MRSHLL is the Kpop star the world needs now

by David Yi in Look

(Photo by Hanna Gweun/Very Good Light)Pride. It’s a month out of the year where we reflect what being LGBTQ+ means and how we can not only uplift this community, but everyone else. The LGBTQ+ community has accomplished so much over the years, but there’s still so...

I reclaimed my past by finally attending my first prom at 26

by Kai Proschan in Look

I never went to prom. Back in high school, I wasn’t out to all my friends and family. Despite growing up in a generally left-leaning suburb 20-minutes south of San Francisco, I didn’t feel entirely safe as a then-gay (now openly queer) person. The only other LGBTQ+ people...

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